Flash Fiction Festival, Trinity College, Bristol

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The sixth in-person literary festival entirely dedicated to flash fiction sponsored by Ad Hoc Fiction and Bath Flash Fiction Award took place 12th-14th July, 2024 at Trinity College, Bristol Trinity College, Stoke Bishop, Bristol UK. The College is in a beautiful part of Bristol, a short journey from the city centre and we love holding the festival there. It was open to all, experienced writers of short fiction and those new to the form.

Trinity College panaorama

It was a brilliant weekend! Thanks to everyone who came — the team, the volunteers, the presenters and participants. You all made it so special We have dates confirmed for next year’s festival weekend at the same venue, Trinity College in Bristol UK. 18th-20th July, 2025 We’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, Jude is hosting another Great Festival Flash Off, three more online flash fiction festival days on Saturdays, October 26th, November 30th and January 11th. Still at only £30 for a day (11.00 am to 6.30 pm) with two hour-long workshops and one 90 mins workshops, plus readings, break out rooms for chats, yoga for writers and a competition each time. Winners, selected by Diane Simmons get free entries to Bath Flash Fiction Award, Books from Ad Hoc Fiction and publication. Look at the menu for more information. Booking open here

For you to get a sense of the festival atmosphere from this year’s in-person July festival, ccheck out the gallery of pictures taken by participants. Thanks to all.

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