Thankyou to everyone who came to the 2022 Flash Fiction Festival, 8th-10th July, 2022 – writers who travelled from many different countries, our festival team, all our volunteers who helped things run smoothly during the weekend, at reception, in the bar, dining room and the bookshop and those who presented workshops, some of them stepping in to do an extra one when others had to cancel due to Covid. It was brilliant to meet and re-emeet flash fiction writers who’d been coming to the online days as well as those who came to our last festival in 2019 and writers who hadn’t been before.
There were so many wonderful,inspiring workshops and we hope those who came will send in a story, either prompted by them or the geneeral ambience, for the fifth Flash Fiction Festival Anthology, to be published by the end of this year by one of our sponsors, Ad Hoc Fiction. So much fun! We already have a date for next year 14th – 16th July, 2023 in the same venue, Trinity College, in Bristol.. Email jude (at) flashfictionfestival (dot) com i if you want to be kept informed when booking is open.
Another thank you to writer and teacher and festival curator Meg Pokrass who set and judged the Pokrass Prize Festival micro contest. The winner was Jane Salmons and Runners up, Sharon Telfer and Tracy Fells. We’re looking forward to see their stories (posted on this site now Meg’s comments ) in the anthology.
A final thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets and those who donated great prizes. We raised £358 for Bristol Refugee Rights!
Check out the lovely gallery of photos from the festival which are loosely grouped into different categories. Lots of books, lots of karaoke, random groups of happy looking people. Jude gathered them up from the festival Twitter feed and from other people who sent some in. A particular thanks to Jet Rotmans who sent a lovely selelction. If you have others to add, let us know.
Hope to see you Face to Face at the 2023 Flash Fiction Festival next year. In the meantime, we have three online festival days coming for the Autumn and Winter. More details and booking open soon.